Saturday, December 4, 2010

Jonah's 1st Thanksgiving

Jonah's 1st Turkey Day

I am so mad at myself for not getting more Thanksgiving photos. This is Jonah crawling around on Aunt Debi's floor anxiously awaiting for lunch to be served. He enjoyed a turkey and vegetable lunch. Pureed of course! :)

It was a wonderful holiday. We spent time with my family and my Grandfather who was recently discharged from the hospital. He was diagnosed with multiple myeloma several months back and he had a short stay to try a stem cell treatment. This time he was in to harvest stem cells. They needed 5 million stem cells and they got over 15 million. That's how my family does it....we are a bunch of overachievers! LOL!

Jonah updates: He's crawling, flying around the house in his walker, talking up a storm and getting into EVERYTHING. Nothing is sacred. That kiddo has so much drive and is so busy! I get exhausted just watching him. Whew! Thank goodness he still takes two naps a day so I can get one in there as well.

His 9 month appt is coming up next week and I am excited to update with his stats and other developments. He's so far advanced. I can't believe how he goes above and beyond. The only thing he could be considered being 'behind' on is he's not ready for more solid type foods. He gags and chokes. But we keep trying. He will definitely get it soon.

He has two teeth and I think we are working on #3. He has been a little cranky the last few days and seems to be in pain. It's really easy to tell because he just doesn't seem like himself. Then again....we could be in the midst of his 9 month growth spurt. Thankfully these later growth spurts he doesn't wake up in the middle of the night. The last time he got up in the middle of the night was in September when he was cutting his 1st tooth. He is SUCH a great sleeper. I have been blessed with an amazing baby! I love him so if you couldn't tell. ;)



Rebecca said...

Yeah I can vouch for the teeth he used them to BITE Grammy's finger when she was checking for a tooth up top. That little guy can bite. Just like his mother. She use to bite other kids then console them telling them it would be alright. Overachiever he will be.

starshockey said...

Yeah, and I am sorry I did not get to spend more time with him that day. But running around being hostess for 22 people, makes me spread very thin. Just happy everyone was there & had plenty to eat. I for one, was so friggin exhausted I think I fell asleep early!!! Love to all!!!