Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Jonah - 10 months

Jonah - 10 months & teething

The picture above is Jonah's best impression of Popeye. It's the face he makes when he is teething. He doesn't really get upset, he just makes funny faces. I love it! He has now 4 teeth and is working on 3 more. Well, 3 more that I can see.

As far as accomplishments he is eating more solid foods like graham crackers, goldfish, bits of pancake or muffins, peaches, yogurt puffs and all other fun stuff. I am so happy to say his gag reflex is slowly going away. Yay! I was kinda worried about that but this smart little cookie figured it out.

He has taken several steps unassisted. He then realizes he has mastered crawling and would rather do that as his method of travel. He flies around all day picking up crap that has fallen to the floor and sticking it in his mouth. Gross! At least his immune system gets a workout at least 5 times a day.

We have bought this kid every teething contraption out there and he refuses to use them for longer than 5 seconds. He would rather teeth on the ottoman, cabinets, shoelaces/shoes, dog bones, phones, TV remotes, plugs, etc. I even bought him his own remote control for Christmas. I had to buy a teething cover for his crib because I really didn't want teeth marks on it. I am waiting for him to start chewing up the dry wall.

Everyday really is an adventure and he's coming into his own little sweet personality. I love him so much and can't believe in two short months he will be turning 1! I have already started planning the celebration. I do understand that 1st birthday's are for the family and not the kid, so this should remedy our Christmas issue. :)

I signed Jonah up for Tiny Tots and Tunes. Our first class will be February 1st. So on his 11 month blog update I can fill everyone in on how he likes it, or doesn't like it.

Until next time....


starshockey said...

Big 10 months. Teeth and walking. Girl you are in for it now. Not only everything on the floor but anything within his little grasp. You could live from the head up, but it is easier to just teach him no. It is hard, but he will learn!! Can't wait for the birthday party!!
Love to all!!