Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Things I have learned about being a mother so far....

As soon as you squat this little tiny blob out the bond and love that shows up immediately is INTENSE!

Laundry is a never ending process. I mean NEVER ending. Especially with a newborn and approximately 4 wardrobe changes per day.

Sleep is a precious, precious commodity.

Children are relentless. They will never give up until they have gotten what they are after, which is usually something that you don't want them to have, is dangerous or will kill them.

Babies are exceptionally resilient. They will survive despite us. Thank GOD!

Seeing another child push your child will make you crazy. It might even make you call your best friend and cry about it for 45 minutes. Ask me how I know?

Anxiety, Adrenanline and Panic take up permanent residence in your body as long as you are a mother. From what I can will never leave.

Babies never stop learning, therefore I will always be on my toes. ALWAYS!

Anything that isn't nailed down and can come crashing down on your child NEEDS to be nailed down.

Baby-proofing is a non-stop process.

Jonah's blood boils and I am always exhausted chasing him.

Trying to keep a straight face when telling your child "No!" when they are crawling towards the fireplace and they turn and look at you and shake their head and repeat "No!" back to you is tougher than it sounds.

Learning to put yourself and your needs on the back burner actually comes pretty naturally for me.

Being a mother is VERY sanctifying.

Telling your husband that you have THE cutest baby in the whole wide world everyday NEVER gets old.

Refraining from saying "I know!" when people say how cute or sweet your baby is very difficult.

Loving something so much you would jump in front of a speeding train, a bullet or fly off a cliff is something I hadn't felt up until this point.

Telling yourself that "I will take someone down to China-town if they hurt my kid!" and realizing it's all part of the package is a surreal moment.

Leaving them in the care of someone else can bring you to tears.

But, the most important thing I have learned so far while being a mom is every morning when you wake up and realize you love them more than the day before is the BEST feeling in the world. All while your hair will fall out, stress replaces relaxing times and juggling 10 million things at once becomes second nature.

I LOVE being a MOM!


Rebecca said...

Well kiddo I can tell you you are good at it. You have more patience than I ever had. You have a wonderful child there. And yes I know all mama crows think theirs is the blackest. But guess what ours is. Love you Jonah. And you are a very lucky young man you have the best mama in the world. You should God picked him for you special.

starshockey said...